ODISolutions s.r.l.

Bolzano (Bolzano) - IT
Hall CD
Stand C20/02

ODISolutions s.r.l.

Alessandro Volta, 13
Bolzano (Bolzano) - IT

Our company

Over the past few years, we at ODIS have developed our own range of monitoring devices, focusing on affordability and low maintenance. We kept the installation process simple so that customers can install them by themselves. Once installed our devices can stay in the field and provide data wirelessly for at least three years without maintenance. At the moment we offer monitoring devices for soil moisture and temperature, dry and wet bulb temperature, air humidity, wind, rain, leaf-wetness, pressure in irrigation tubes and the level of water tanks. In 2023 we will release control devices to activate pumps and valves remotely and work on the integration of ever more sensors.

Product Categories


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