Water and the "more crop per drop" approach at the heart of this edition
The Interpoma Award 2022 aims to reward those technologies that, with a strong component of innovation, allow exceptional progress in water management in apple orchards, combining water saving with improved yield and fruit quality.
The award is divided into two categories: one for companies and individuals, and one for start-ups.
A jury of experts will first select and then judge the technologies entered. Entrants will be judged on their candidate products or services (e.g. machinery, systems, components, technological devices) on the basis of the documents submitted and a questionnaire that will be submitted to the contacts indicated.
Nominations were received by the end of September. The names of the winners will be announced during the Interpoma 2022 Opening, which will take place on the eve of the event, on the evening of Wednesday 16 November.
Here you can find the details about the Interpoma Award 2022. Participation is easy and free of charge for all Interpoma exhibitors, start-ups and interested individuals!
The prize has two categories:
Each participant can only apply once, in one category and with one product/service that relates to water and water-saving technology for the apple industry. To apply, you have to fill in the online 'Application Form' - below on this page - by 30 September 2022.
Late applications will only be accepted by the jury in exceptional and justified cases.
Participation is free of charge and only one product or service may be submitted. To apply, please complete the following online form - available in English only - in its entirety.
Deadline for registration: 30 September 2022
As an alternative to this online form, at the bottom of the page you will find the registration form to download in PDF format and send to interpoma@fieramesse.com.
The jury is made up of 6 leading experts in the field of apple-growing, who are involved in research and development projects at an international level. Under the chairmanship of Prof. Massimo Tagliavini, the members of the jury will carefully examine the information and data submitted before selecting the candidates. The jury will then select a winner for each of the 2 categories: companies/individuals and startups. The jury may also select up to 4 honourable mentions, two in each category. The jury’s decisions are definitive and incontestable.
The two winners in the two categories of the Interpoma Award 2022 will receive a marketing and communication “prize package” worth EUR 5.000, which is composed as follows:
The names of the winners will be announced at the Interpoma 2022 Opening on Wednesday evening, 16 November 2022. Afterwards, the guests will have the opportunity to have some drinks together, enjoy apple snacks and talk with the jury members and other experts.