An Apple Against Hay Fever

Foto credits: © Patrick Schwienbacher

ipoma Ausgabe 01 presents

The alternative therapy

Is the apple a suitable therapeutic agent against birch pollen allergy?

  • One in five people in Central Europe suffers from birch pollen allergy, colloquially known as hay fever, and the trend is on the rise. But - researchers have found - an apple has grown against it.
  • The 'AppleCare' project utilized the similarity between apple proteins and birch pollen allergens to develop a natural immunotherapy.
  • Through gradual exposure to apple proteins, allergic reactions in participants could be reduced. The red-fleshed apple variety 'Red Moon' showed very good results.
  • The article 'The Apple Therapy' presents the results of the research project and underscores once again how healthy an apple can be. Here you will find approaches and impulses from the article.
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    *from ipoma Issue 01, “Apple Therapy”, Ex Libris 2020

    Dr. Thomas Letschka

    Dr. Thomas Letschka

    Head of Applied Genomics and Molecular Biology

    A birch pollen allergy can be alleviated by eating apples. Subjects participating at the project, suffered far fewer symptoms of birch pollen allergy the following spring.

    Dr. Thomas Letschka

    Head of Applied Genomics and Molecular Biology
    Walter Guerra

    Walter Guerra

    Head of the Pomology Working Group

    Our aim is to boost the appeal of the apple. We are simply not taking the conventional wisdom of apples being healthy as read. 

    Walter Guerra

    Head of the Pomology Working Group

    Why exactly the apple? 

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away

    • Apples contain proteins that are related to birch pollen allergens and can therefore also trigger allergy symptoms. In technical terms, this is referred to as cross-reactivity. 
    • This similarity between the proteins of birch pollen and apples was utilized in the AppleCare project to develop a natural immunotherapy for the treatment of birch pollen allergy. 
    • Thus, apples are not only healthy but can potentially be used as a therapeutic agent for allergic diseases.

    Is every apple effective? 

    More than 20.000 varieties worldwide

    • What's fascinating about apples is their great diversity. Different characteristics lead to various advantages and disadvantages. This variety is used to make targeted selections for specific applications.
    • The apple has a certain varietal identity compared to other fruits like apricots. Typically, consumers recognize the different varieties. 
    • For therapy, the red-fleshed apple RM-1, known as Red Moon, is particularly suitable. Being only weakly allergenic, this variety has shown the best results.

    Foto credits: © Patrick Schwienbacher

    Why is the number of birch pollen allergy sufferers increasing?

    Treatments against what is commonly known as hay fever are becoming increasingly important.

    • Climate Change and Environmental Changes: Warmer temperatures and increased CO2 levels extend the pollen season and increase pollen density.
    • Urbanization and Air Pollution: Cities promote the spread and potency of pollen through air pollution and urban heat islands. The increase in birch trees also raises exposure.
    • Changed Living Conditions: Less contact with nature and hygiene factors weaken the natural immune defense and increase susceptibility to allergies.

    Foto credits: © Patrick Schwienbacher

    A project with future potential

    Preliminary study results are convincing

    • The project has shown: Apples can successfully alleviate symptoms of birch pollen allergy. 
    • Now, it is necessary to expand this study to hundreds of people and continue researching this type of therapy.
    • Research on the red-fleshed Red Moon apple will also continue. Due to its health-promoting properties—which are supposed to exceed those of a regular apple—there is consideration to market it as a superfood.
    • Red-fleshed varieties are the new trend in the apple industry.
    • Do you like this content? Are you an apple expert or enthusiast? If you are interested only in this topic, you can download "Apple therapy"
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    You can find more information and scientific articles on the research project on the website of the Laimburg Research Centre: 

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