Understanding the U.S. apples industry trends

ipoma Issue 02 presents

Quo Vadis USA?

Where is the U.S. apples industry going?

  • Since the 2000s, the USA has risen to the top in the apple world. It got there by using the latest technology and investing vast sums of money in research, diversity, and development. But this rapid rise also carries risks. 
  • In the Official Interpoma Magazine ipoma Issue 02 author Susanne Pitro outlines the apples industry's future in the United States in the article 'Quo Vadis USA?' (p.32 ipoma Issue 02, edited by exlibris, ©FieraBolzano ITA 2022). Here you find some abstracts and inputs.
  • Do you have some more questions? Contact us now!

  1. A Global Mayor Player
  2. Today's Challenges
  3. Climate Anomalities
  4. Apple industry labor shortage
  5. A Deep Dive in the U.S. apples market
  6. The Future in Short
  7. More readings

The U.S. Market in Figures

#1 Most consumed fruits in the US
+6,1% Growth forecast of US apple production by 2025
26.000+ Apple producers in Usa
616,9 M$ Turnover in organic apples in Usa 2020

A Global Mayor Player

The rise of the U.S. apples industry 


  • Since 2000, the Unite States apples industry has emerged as a major player in global business. Fifteen years ago, the U.S. apples market held little global interest. 
  • But since then, small businesses have grown large, global technologies have been tested there at scale, and U.S. giants developed their own R&D departments.

Photo credits by Bloomberg, Alamy, EyeEm, AP, Washington State University 

(from here to bottom of page)

Today's Challenges

How to manage climate change and labour shortages


  • Today, climate change and labour shortages pose new challenges. Experts say technology is the only answer – from disease resistant apple varieties and solutions for the increasingly hot summers to robotic orchard work. 
  • The Cosmic Crisp® apple variety, a recent U.S. sensation, spread rapidly, ranking #7 in the U.S. apples industry sales data by 2022. This success is a promising sign for the future.
Tim Welsh

Tim Welsh

General Manager of Columbia Orchard Management (COM)

"For the past few years, we have increasingly been struggling with climatic anomalies" Tim Welsh said. In 2022 he has also come through the coldest spring of his entire career.

Tim Welsh

General Manager of Columbia Orchard Management (COM)

Apple industry labor shortage

The Great Resignation had already been looming in US apple orchards for some years


  • According to the 'USApple Industry Outlook 2021' (p.9, read below), employment in apple orchards fell by an annual average of 20 percent between 2014 and 2020, while labor cost rose. 
  • “We are losing domestic workers faster than we can replace them” Welsh said. 
  • The future of harvesting may involve the increased use of sophisticated robotic systems.

into the U.S. apples market

through 'The USApple Industry Outlook 2021' by the ©U.S. Apple Association

Let's read or download it below!

Dowload The USApple Industry Outlook 2021

pdf (5.74 MB)
The Future in Short

Quo Vadis, USA?

In other word 'Where is the U.S. apples industry going’?

Towards a challenging, yet R&D prepared future.

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