Jönköping (Jönköpings län) - SE
Halle CD
Stand D24/08


Verktygsvägen 1 SE-553 02
Jönköping (Jönköpings län) - SE

Unsere Firma

SBI Sweden is a leading manufacturer of top-quality miniature vehicles of different kinds, boats, and construction-themed machinery for children. With exception of the building zone products, all products are battery-powered, and the vehicles run efficiently during the full day. Great autonomy along with high quality and durability are valued aspects by our customers in these highly interactive experiences for children. VISIT OUT BOOTH TO DISCOVER THE LATEST AND MOST PROFITABLE ATTRACTIONS FOR YOUR LOCATION! Our products work in all weather conditions and can be used both during the summer and winter. We have seen a big interest from ski resorts recently as our products is a good compliment especially during the summer months for entertaining kids in the lower age groups 3-11 years. Basically you only need a designated area, where there is a flow of people, and the products will be irresistible for the kids. ROI is normally very short! If you want a more advanced setup, then we can assist with conceptualize it with Playhouses, Driving School, Children's Farm etc. We can assist with everything from conceptualization and layout to project planning and implementation. We are looking forward to meeting you and discuss your situation and needs.



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