Laura Bornmann

HR expert and leadership coach

Impulse at BEAM Lab #1: 

We believe that a new understanding of leadership, based on radical humanity and honest communication, is the key to success today! In this workshop, you will learn how authentic leaders motivate people to peak performance through genuine connection and empathy. We will show interactively how to create an environment where employees feel valued and can reach their full potential through clear, inspiring, and people-centered leadership. You will gain practical insights and effective strategies to enhance and elevate your leadership skills to a new level. Join us to get inspired, learn new leadership tools, and become part of a movement that will fundamentally change our way of working and leading.

Laura Bornmann, HR expert, university board member and LinkedIn Top Voice, is regarded as a leading voice in Germany in the areas of New Work and New Leadership. Her commitment to a modern and humane working environment and her ability to connect generations have earned her a renowned reputation.

She knows what she's talking about: Laura became a leader early on and led the personnel development for around 18,000 employees at REWE. Today, she is regularly sought after by Handelsblatt, Spiegel, ManagerMagazin, and other business media for her expertise and selected for interviews. The HR magazine has recognized her as a top influencer, she received the special award "Game Changer of the Year" from Personalwirtschaft, and Business Punk recently chose her as one of the 100 people you need to know because they think radically and drive our country forward. In addition, she appeared as a New Work expert on Markus Lanz's show and was selected by Capital for the prestigious "Top 40 under 40" list.

To learn more about Laura Bornmann, visit her LinkedIn profile.

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