Hall CD
Stand D24/04

Product description

Immediate Compact Protection The Avon NH15™ CBRN Air Purifying Escape Respirator is the smallest and most compact escape hood on the market, approved to carry NIOSH and CE marking. Its low cost makes it ideal for police, emergency medical services and fire officers seeking immediate or emergency respiratory protection in a CBRN scenario. The NH15™ hood has a five year shelf life and provides a high level of respiratory, eye and face protection for a minimum of fifteen minutes. Made of clear material, the NH15™ not only protects against all airborne CBRN threats but also protects the face from liquid agent splashes. The clear material gives a non-threatening appearance, aids with recognition of the wearer and also allows for superior visual communication. Twin low-profile filters on a unique hinge system feature the latest filtration media which reduces breathing resistance and a front reflector makes it easier to identify colleagues in low light environments.

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Luca Carraro