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Less waste more flowers


Biolife 2019 says no to carpet

More than 500 exhibitors, almost 40,000 visitors and countless events over four days: that was Autumn Fair and Biolife 2019! The recipe for success? First and foremost, of course, the commitment and enthusiasm of all participating exhibitors and partners, but also with the many new products, such as the Tiny Houses in the Arredo sector and sustainable fashion at Biolife.

However, the (visually) most obvious of this year's innovations was the "less waste, more flowers" initiative, thanks to which 2,000 m² of disposable carpet was saved: This year, for the first time, the aisles of the exhibition halls were not covered with carpet, and a lot of waste was avoided; in addition - to underline the message - Biolife visitors received a gift of a mixture of seeds for their home garden, and of course a small contribution to biodiversity and sustainability.

For those who may think that the square meters saved are not very much: 2,000 square meters is the equivalent of...

1.6 Olympic swimming pools
2.5 Handball fields
7.8 Tennis fields
100 Tiny Houses

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