Alexandre Escolà Agustí

  • Alexandre Escolà Agustí - Professor Agregat at the Universitat de Lleida and Agrotecnio CERCA center - studied Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy Engineering at the School of Agrifood and Forestry Engineering and Veterinary Medicine of the Universitat de Lleida, in Lleida, Catalonia (Spain). The final degree projects carried out were related to the use of sensors to improve the applications of pesticides in fruit trees, work that gave rise, in 2010, to the thesis entitled "Method of variable dosing in real time for the application of pesticides in Precision Fructiculture". 
  • In 2001 he was hired as a part-time associate professor and, from 2006, as a full-time assistant and associate professor. His research is carried out within the GRAP, the Research Group of AgroICT & Precision Agriculture of the Universitat de Lleida and the Agrotecnio CERCA Center. He is currently the coordinator of the research group. His research lines focus on the electronic 3D characterization of vegetation and its environment to obtain useful information for the farmer and advisors to make more sustainable management decisions. 
  • In relation to teaching, he is serving in the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Science and Engineering, of which he was academic secretary from 2013 to 2019. Currently, he teaches subjects related to Precision Agriculture and Livestock, computer sciences, agricultural automation and robotics and agricultural mechanization, among others. At an international level, he was president of the 9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA), held in Lleida in 2013 and is currently a member of the ECPA program committee. 
  • He is member and Spanish representative of the International Society of Precision Agriculture and has recently coordinated the process to establish the official definition of Precision Agriculture adopted by the society. He is also serving in the editorial board of the scientific Springer journal Precision Agriculture. He has been invited several times to give plenary lectures at international congresses and likes to participate in courses, conferences and round tables to share the results of the research group with other colleagues and with the society in general.

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