Lukasiewicz (1988) obtained her bachelors European Studies and Biology at the
University of Amsterdam. After finishing her master in Molecular Plant Biology,
she worked for two years at a vertical farming company in the Netherlands.
started a PhD at the University of Gent in 2018 in collaboration with the Flemish
Institute of Biotechnology (VIB) and ILVO (Institute for Agriculture,
Fisheries, and Food Research). In her research she used CRISPR/Cas9-gene
editing to knock out genes in potato protoplasts leading to potential Phytophthora
At the end of her PhD, she did a BlueBook Internship at the
European Commission, where she learned about GMO policy and regulation in the
European Union, and contributed to the proposal on New Genomic Techniques
(NGTs). Currently, Ania works as a researcher at Wageningen University and
Research on policy and regulation of GMOs and NGTs in plant breeding.
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