Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (2007-now). 1998-2007 Associate professor at the University of Bologna. Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (2008-2014). Vice-president of Eurac Research (2016-).
President of the Italian Society of Horticultural Science (2016-2022). President of the Italian Association of the Scientific Agricultural Societies, AISSA (2020-2023). Chairman of the working group on “Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops” of the International Society for Horticultural Sciences (2000-2005; 2012-2017).
His research interests include: 1. Ecophysiology of the internal-tree N cycling, nutrient needs, uptake and partitioning; 2. Root system physiology; 3. Carbon fluxes at tree, and orchard ecosystem scale; 4. Water uptake and irrigation; 5. Tree adaptation to climate change-driven multiple stressors.
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