(Bolzano) - IT

Our company

Where once an aluminium plant stood, now South Tyrol's innovation district is growing. At the peak of its production, the Bolzano aluminium plant (later "Alumix") covered two thirds of the national demand. A giant that used up as much energy as all of South Tyrol today, being at the same time a masterpiece of the Bauhaus movement. Today, NOI Techpark symbolises the evolution from heavy industry to ideas factory. A completely renovated and upgraded historical site, where creativity and innovative spirit are finding space to flourish between transformers and furnaces. A place, where companies, institutions and the university meet, working jointly on research and development projects. NOI AG, as an in-house company of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, is responsible for managing and developing the South Tyrol Science and Technology Park. Here we connect over 70 companies and innovative start-ups, 4 research institutions and 3 faculties of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano. The entire project focuses on some leading sectors in which South Tyrol is particularly specialised: Green, Food, Digital and Automotive & Automation. In more than 40 high-tech laboratories, researchers of the 4 institutions and the University work in exactly those technological fields. Inspired by nature, its adaptability and its sustainability (NOI stands for Nature of Innovation), we are constantly growing and adapting to the requirements of our ecosystem. We provide services for technology companies and bring the scientific subjects closer to the population as well. With the aim of increasing investment in research and development, developing new products and services and thus creating added value within the province and beyond.

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