Apple harvesting shears M14-AM

Padiglione AB
Stand A04/10

Descrizione prodotto

When harvesting is done by pulling, there is the danger of leaving an excessively long stem that will cause more than one puncture to other fruits during the post-harvest process, causing losses because this fruit will not be suitable for sale. Our model M14-AM for apple, is designed to avoid leaving long stems. Its concave blades adapt to the shape of the fruit without producing any wound on the skin. The curvature of the handles allows theShears to enter the fruit with the most suitable angle to make the cut.

Categorie di prodotto



ES - Castelló (Castellón)
C/Senda Mitjana 25 Apdo 66

T. +34 964671654


Richiedi incontro

Richiedi incontro con RAMON MANZANA SL

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Raul Manzana

Sales Manager